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Over 26 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  Manou

May 22, 2013

During our vacation in Greece Manou had to pee. I quickly grabbed my camera and made a few pictures. Thought it was a naughty idea to share this event on VW.

All Comments (9)
  • Actually, we have both contributed - on Redclouds - where you meet a better class of people. the juveniles won't pay the annual fee there - between us we have posted 2 wives & 2 girlfriends. top that.
  • Thanks Jack ! - not many contris today - could it be the obnoxious juveniles running them off? You don't see such rudness on RC where the riff-raff is kept away by the membership fee.
  • simmer down boys. the real Huggy123 is a friend of mine who believes in respecting ALL contributors, not just the 20-somethings. DDD: you're still an A-hole
  • just got nc dave
  • Could someone else besides me start flagging these effin spammers? nc dave daves fun mikepatrick flag the bastards!
  • Pissing is my fetish, so I'd like to see more of
  • There is nothing less attractive than a pic of a person peeing.
  • Maybe it's just me, but peeing pictures are just gr0ss! Plus, these don't even show much.
  • Glad she didn't pinch off a

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