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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  topaz

Oct 3, 2002

Hello all--- It's great to be back on Voyeurweb! Sorry it has been so long! These photos are from a trip to Hawaii--- see if you can spot Mauna Loa or Mauna Kea in the background! These were taken close to where lava is currently erupting on the Big Island of Hawaii. Hope you all like these shots in and out of my bikini.... I certainly had fun taking these pictures! I read and love all the comments--- so keep them coming! I'll respond to as many as I can. Thanks again!

All Comments (6)
  • Big smile and big tits
  • WOW! Wonderbod!
  • That face! Smile! Tits! Ass! I love it all!
  • Damn! She's smokin hot! Look at her!
  • the volcanos you cite are located on different islands, not the same island.
  • Yes, I wish topaz was still participating here too!