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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  Elizabeth

Mar 7, 2013

Thank you all for your previous comments! Now enjoy with new pics ...

All Comments (67)
  • STILL 100% TRUE IN 2023 :  "Superb" says it all! A score of (five stars) would have been approprate! TOTALLY!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      From the fabled founding of VoyeurWeb in 1997 through this day in 2023 Elizabeth is one of VoyeurWeb's "all time" Hall of Fame best! I wish that Elizabeth was still participating here, and I hope that Elizabeth is alive, well and happy in 2023! 
  • "Superb" says it all! A score of (five stars) would have been ;
  • OH hell hell hell yes!
  • Oh hell yes!!!!!
  • Sexy girl next door. Great tight ass and bald pussy. What a hottie. Amazing tits. Love that body. Thanks for sharing. Love to see more carolinalovin44@
  • as usual,...stunning young girl, fanastic body and great up to a PERFECT 10
  • Love the small breasts. And those smoldering eyes make me want to see more. Beautiful slender figure.
  • mmmmm evri inch 2 lick ggsex1@
  • A gorgeous face, and luscious hardbody of a REAL WOMAN!!! SMALLER BREASTED WOMEN ROCK!!!!
  • Elizabeth , you are a goddess among women everywhere !!! dudleyjonesd@
  • Enough already , I want to see a big fat cock stuck in your sexy little ass , and some cum on that chin!
  • sweet strip from you and so nice in high heel sandals
  • superb definatly fuckable seadog9998@
  • A perfect 11! Would love to lick you all over your body! Great submission! wolfpack52@
  • Superbly exotic and gorgeous!

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