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Posted by:  Badkitty

Sep 7, 2012

I live in Ontario Canada where it is legal to walk around topless so I do so often. I love comments.

All Comments (17)
  • She does so " often? " Not in this lot of non-nude rubbish! One photo showing one bare breast? NEXT CONTESTANT PLEASE!
  • She wrote: "I live in Ontario Canada where it is legal to walk around topless so I do so ; These photos don't show "; Maybe "often" was shown in other photos. NEXT! 
  • Very nice! Thanks for sharing.
  • Go PM Harper!.
  • ???
  • Super boring...
  • i so love your tits! and from the teaser, i think i'd adore your pussy! flash your whole package for me!
  • The real test of exercising your right to be topless in public is to do it everyday. Not just during a parade. But just all around town, casually being topless. Go for it
  • Please ignore the haters Badkitty. They need to get a life or go look at something they prefer, whatever that is. There are many many people here who *love* you and what you do.
  • When these people criticize, those of us who appreciate contributors, lose out!
  • As usual, self-lothing virgins living in their mom's basement have nothing better to do than criticize the pictures of a wonderfully confident, daring, and sexy woman.
  • wow, people get ugly fast. Some of the comments are rather hurtful. Apparently, I have been posting in the wrong place. I will go elsewhere and leave the haters to themselves.
  • I LOVE that Huck Farper T-Shirt, where do I get one? I loathe that guy with a vengeance.
  • Too bad you couldn't get your anti-Harper friend to lift her shirt. :-)
  • Nude in ..Take off the clothes....