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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  Aubrey

Mar 27, 2013

Hey Guys ! I'm back ! I decided to post more of the naughty photos I took recently. Have to admit I got turned on reading all the commments from my first contribution. Hope you like ! Don't forget to slip me a "superb" vote ;}

All Comments (37)
  • I'd love to tongue fuck that asshole.
  • DAMN!!!! Got my dick in your hands....
  • WOW! Just WOW! ;)
  • Aubrey, I'd rather slip something else into a subperb vote will have to do!
  • You have such a nice high ass, think it's those georgeous legs and such a pretty pussy, thanks for posting.
  • Well, you impressed me. Actually I'll have to go and spend a bit of time I 'in the bathroom after seeing this picture .... Ooooohhhh ..... you have a great figure honey ...... I want more pictures please. Send me some photos on my private email @
  • Aubrey, you're gorgeous, but you want a better photographer- someone who uses "high key" lighting for pussy shots and isn't afraid to get more pictures of your curves (1, 4 & 5 are the BEST). You have gorgeous eyes (color and shape), beautiful mouth and great breasts. Your best photo angle are the shots from above, over the top (head down) and from the side. I'll be posting some black and white photos of a model that I took recently using normal bedroom lighting! thrillseeker401@gmail. PS- I suspect a few thousand guys get off to your gorgeous self! Thanks for being "naughty"!
  • Such beautiful i loved the finger up her ass!! And that tight & almost tiny pussy - oh how i'd love to pound major meat into that begging little puss.....
  • I'll slip you a superb anything else you want. Girl, your eyes have me a wonderful gift to have if you are trying to be a model. I just read your intro to you first can't believe your boyfriend breaking it off because you want to do some modeling. If you were my girl, I'd want to show you off the the whole I'd be proud to do it. I hope you stick with it Aubrey, with a beautiful face like yours, and your wonderful body, you've got a great chance at it.
  • Great body, great pussy and ass but the best asset you have are your beautiful eyes!!!!!
  • very sexy ass and legs, rammerman05@
  • gorgeous ass!..bet it looks great in tight jeans!
  • no one will ever forget you. who was the lucky one, that was allowed to eat this fruit? please more especially your face and spread fruitcage. @
  • You are a very beautiful woman with an incredibly sexy body! I hope to see MUCH more of you!!! Maybe you could even e-mail me? jkapy@