Hi, many days do you have to wait between shooting to build up for such a load, and do you take anything to help that volume ????? Just wondering if there is anything to help us old guys out here.
I think I'll shoot for the Gold (no pun intended) in the Porn Olympics. This shot was recorded at inches. I've done better so I should work up to some more. Contest sounds like a good idear. I used to fire so long that my girlfriend got into a habit of holding her hands up cause I used to hit her in the face.
I totally agree with the previous guy. When I was in my twenties, i would shoot across the room. Now at 71, I still shoot just about everyday, but now just an inch or two, but it still feels as great as ever, or maybe even think as you get older, you appreciate them more.
Nice shot. What was the actual distance? When I was 14, I could hit the ceiling in my bedroom from the top bunk. Now it just dribbles out, but at least I can still cum. LOL Let's start a contest using yard sticks for measuring, no metrics.
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M* Longshot
Posted by: Bear
Apr 10, 2013
Thought this was some good distance. Do the ladies likey?