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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  Heidi

Apr 18, 2013

Long time viewer, 1st time contributor. I like to distract my man while he is watching football. He doesn't seem to mind too much. We have lots of videos. I figured I would give it a try with this video and see how it goes. We are not professionals and our videos are not professionally made. If we get good comments, we will submit more videos. If you have negative things to say, keep them to yourself (you are the reason more people don't submit videos or stop submitting). We know we are not perfect, we are just doing this to spice things up!

All Comments (60)
  • very nice
  • I am also a longtime viewer but haven't yet submitted. I think you are great because you are both real people without a fuckedup view of life or hidden agenda. I appreciate that you are a real couple sharing your invite of with me! Your are both extremely lucky to have each other in life and love!.. Than you again for reassuring me in relationships.
  • I don't know about your husband (and don't really care) but your body is damn near perfect! I loved the video and hope to see much more of you! Thanks.
  • Cripes! Who could possibly find something negative to say about THAT!!!!??? GORGEOUS!
  • Fantastic. There needs to be more!
  • Nicest ride I have seen in a while. Please submit more.
  • Thanks Guys. Nice body, great clit.
  • That was sexy as a hard body....
  • Wow! Fabulous tits and hot fucking. You can distract me anytime. Let me know when and I will be there!
  • Nice video, I would love suck on your nipples. You can distract me anytime, Post more.
  • How could anyone say anything negative about this video,,, i think you SCORED!...thanks for posting, i love the way your tits jiggle
  • You could sure as hell distract me from anything with those great tits and hot pussy...
  • Awesome 1st video. Love those magnificent boobs and perky nipples. Love to see more!
  • wow, that is one of the hottest first timer videos I have ever seen. please continue to share your beauty and sexiness
  • Your body is SO HOT!!! I love the way you ride. More Please. On a separate note: Why do so many couples have sex with nonsense TV noise distracting in the background? Can anyone explain?

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