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Posted by:  Evira

May 10, 2013

All Comments (57)
  • You have a hell of a figure.
  • Thunder thighs and stretch marks - yuck
  • what happened WV????why did you deleted my submission with Valerie solo??????is it something wrong?you dont want to pay ?this is the second time you re doing this!!!!!i want an answer otherwise i do whta i have to this everybody.....
  • I sent you before 3 more messages between english and spanish , write to my account also Miss please where you from lady ?
  • evira I never know of you babe let me contact please
  • fucking amazing!!
  • Nothing "natural" about that tattoo. I was turned on until I saw that.
  • por lo general no veo estas paginas y jamas escribo , pero tu me has cambiado el pensamiento , de verdad que impresionante eres , dejame conocerte ! te felicito de verdad tener una novia asi es mas que un sueno , donde estabas antes que no te vi ? acabas de llegar del cielo ?? porque eres todo un angel
  • evira te imaginas ir a una disco contigo con un vestido corto , sin panties ... seria lo maximo o ir a cenar ,.. la playa ...uuuy me muero por conocerte
  • Evira como hago para conocerte how I can do to know you write to my email account escribeme al email de mi cuenta besos estas espectacular me encanta una mujer como tu bellla ! que se exhiba porque tienes mucho con que , espero conocerte > mi boca te manda a decir que te espera !
  • I,d love to tongue her very sexual looking vulva. Sit on my face and wriggle about.
  • Absolutely outstanding. Beautiful.
  • STOLEN FROM !!!!!!

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