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Posted by:  Wifey

May 18, 2013

You guys have been nudging us to show my wife in color, and she is obliging. I have a mass of pictures of her in her lovely birthday suit in various locations. With her permission, here we are. Oh, and you guys who make references to her various body parts with you body parts, well she thinks that this is kind of childish or you are too old. Last bit of information, she is becoming a grandmother the end of the month. Now, stick you tongues back in your mouths.

All Comments (25)
  • Dear Lady, you are a sex kitten with a bod that ROCKS! Thanks Lovely!!!
  • Just mine ;).
  • Just mine. ;)
  • The answer is yes. She poses for artists. This is just a different forum.
  • Oh, you do love to show off, don't you, Wifey. And I love to watch.
  • Nice - very doable - how does your butt look?
  • For your age it's not bad.
  • HOT...
  • Love her smile and love her tits, bet she is a lot of fun bent over, spanking her sexy ass holding on. ShesGot34Ds@
  • Your wife is fantastic. You are very lucky.
  • Mmmh..... a bit over the hill, but it looks like she's still good in bed!
  • my apologies this was meant for somebody else.
  • She looks good in color too--nice little bush! Thanks.
  • I don't plan to publicize my wife's identity here so what would you call your wife is here if you were too so bold as to show her pictures and she let you?
  • you're an idiot and a fool. beyond that is a waste of my time and most would agree.