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Posted by:  Avril

May 29, 2013

All Comments (22)
  • Do we remove our panties? We DON'T remove our panties? OK, then, thank you for coming in and please don't let the door hit you.
  • Gorgeous blonde! I want her firm tits and pink nipples!
  • Lipstick on my pecker goin to tell on you!!!
  • Hi Avril Your Absolutely stunning!!!!! Sensual Body! Beautiful Boobs!! Awesome Ass!! perfect Pussy!!! Pretty face. :) ;) I hope to see MUCH more of you!!! Maybe you could even e-mail me? With love from Belguim tdepoorter@
  • love the very awesome natural Tits!!!!!!
  • Wow my god that sexy bomb.. Exchange photos? contatti@
  • this chick is fucking hot.
  • Great body and beautiful eyes. Thanks for sharing your pics. Haters will hate because they don't have a woman like you at home. Hope your ol' man knows what a lucky bastard he is.
  • Reminds me of an American Apparel ad. My cock is rock hard right now.
  • Thank you ever so much for this enlightening view of your pimply, nicotine, and whiskey soaked body. It's been an experience, to be sure. Usually one must go to a bowling alley to meet a woman of your stature.
  • It amazes me how rude people can be, Mom said if you don't have anything nice to say,say nothing at all. The truth this world is quickly going down hill and the poor attitude of mankind is the reason. Wake up before you all hit bottom and have no idea of how to save yourself. sorry Avril you are very pretty, please keep posting.
  • Cool set. Takes a lot of guts to pose publicly. But to the idiots here, it is very cowardly to comment anonymously without repercussions.
  • Don't understand negative posters. If you haven't got anything good to say, say nothing. Beautiful young woman, and hotter than most of you abusers are going to ever get into YOUR bed!
  • Please don't be hurt by the Negative comments below. You have an amazing body! I love your white skin and beautiful tits with those pink puffy nipples. Thanks for posting!
  • Wow! Your double wide has all the amenities of a real house.