Here are a bunch of some different pics over the years. We met alot of nice couples who liked to have fun. What great times. Hope you like the pics, and thank you for the nice comments. If you want to see more let me know.
LOL, sorry bilbirk, but I don't have any breast implants, my husband wont let me. I want them, but he wont let me. HE SAYS HELL NO to breast implants. they are my real born breasts.
We are a swing couple in San Antonio and would love to play with you guys. Steve and Tami swbryant3@ Love the way you play with the girls and would love to see more.
Bunch of Different Pics Having Fun
Posted by: SummerJean
May 29, 2013
Here are a bunch of some different pics over the years. We met alot of nice couples who liked to have fun. What great times. Hope you like the pics, and thank you for the nice comments. If you want to see more let me know.