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Posted by:  Vida

Jun 8, 2013

Cada vez que podemos, y nuestras circunstancias lo permiten, pasamos unos días en un maravilloso hotel, donde damos rienda suelta a nuestros momentos más íntimos y pasionales. Ser su amante es el mayor de mis deseos, amarla y darle placer el sentido de mi vida. Siempre me deja la impronta de su perfume, de su olor a hembra, el tacto e su piel en mis dedos, el sabor de aquello que no se nombra, el calor de su cuerpo al estar dentro de ello, su dulzura y sus orgasmos intensos, su sonrisa y su abrazo al descansar. Es mi chica, es mi amor

All Comments (18)
  • Awesome close up views! Nice looking ass and pussy lips!
  • hot your hot love to fuck your pussy and ass.
  • wow, very sexy! Want to trade with us? bermboston@
  • Gee, "Nudiesnudie," how is it you know so precisely what a guy's butthole looks like? Have you spent a lot of time looking? And I repeat, "Redlion," you shouldn't try to be creative, as you obviously lack the intelligence to sustain such an effort. You post your insult at either 11:00pm PST or 2:00am EST . . . on a SATURDAY NIGHT! It's clear what motivates you; specifically, your lack of any chance at female companionship. Since women detest you, you'll show how much you hate THEM here.
  • Que precioso el comento y ella una belleza de mujer
  • QUOTE daninhbg
  • Hey, "redlion," whatever you do, PLEASE don't try to be clever. You obviously lack the brain power to pull off such a deception. Again, I point out that this guy posted at either 10:55pm on the west coast or 1:55am if he's on the east coast. Think about this . . . this was on a SATURDAY night, and he's here insulting women. Guess "redlion" is a little bitter he didn't have a date. How pathetic.
  • muy muy ugleo. la penocha es muy pelo es muy muy caca
  • Will you clown please STOP sending photos of your wives/girl friends sleeping.. If they won't consent to your submitting their pics, DON'T BOTHER BORING US!!
  • BORING!!! Poor
  • Oh, one other thing, "Lookerxx," get over your little girl fetish. Grown up women sometimes develop pubic hair. Now, I understand you're probably confused by the concept of pubic hair. Heck, last time you thought you had one, you pissed through it. Still, mature adults sometimes have hair in those grown up areas. Maybe your mommy can explain it to you sometime.
  • How do you say-shave your ass in Spanish? Daninhgb-YOU'RE A MORON!!!!
  • Nice Butt Ready For Love
  • What the introduction said was far better than the lousy pictures. Her's what it said. Whenever we can, and our circumstances allow, we spent a few days in a beautiful hotel, where we unleash our most intimate and passionate. Being your lover is the greatest of my wishes, love and pleasure give my life meaning. I always leave the imprint of her perfume, her female scent, touch and your skin on my fingers, the taste of that which is not named, the warmth of your body to be in it, its sweetness and intense orgasms , his smile and hug to rest. She's my girl, my love
  • buh bye "El p*ke"
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