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Posted by:  Lady K

Jul 20, 2013

Went to Party City and had a good time but didnt find a decent mask, went to a local pornshop, girl at counter was cute, big boobs, nice feet...Anyway, she found a mask that she liked and some toys. We got to the mask part but needed all four hands for the toys. Enjoy

All Comments (26)
  • I don'tknow if you'll ever read this Lady K,but I miss you think of you miss your beautiful smile and infectious laugh. I will always love you and I sincerely hope you still do as well. Words cannot and won't express my sorrow and regret for my actions and hurt that I caused you. I truly wish you happiness and peace. Love, A
  • very sexy more please watcherofyour@
  • Thank you for the wonderful pictures. I can't wait to see more. sweater33@
  • Great post, shame you could not get the porn shop girl to follow you home, would love to see you with another girl. Steve and Tami swbryant3@
  • Smokin HOT !!!
  • Beautiful Lady Mrs K. Would LOVE to see you playing on HOMECLIPS with your toys and we would all be cumming together. A picture is worth a 1000 words a video is worth a million.
  • Thank you all for the wonderful comments. I hope you can tell how much I enjoy pleasing my ViKing. It tickles me to show off to you how much I enjoy him. xoxo, Lady K
  • Mask on or mask off? I don't give a shit as long as my cock is in your mouth. Great pics!!
  • Viper, gmn007g, dabone you guys are now flagged as inappropirate and frankly aside from commenting on your comments WE don't care what you have to say. If you have no woman in your life who fulfills your desires and loves you, I feel sorry for you. Everyone, thank you so much, it really is ncie to read all the comments. We may go through an respond to some of your comments and send pics. Pic exchange is fun!!
  • It must be nice to have a willing, adventurous, beautiful woman to suck ur cock!!!!
  • More of this beauty and that gorgeous pussy!
  • Thank you Maine Viking. Lovely contribution from a gorgeous lady. Your neighbors in New Hampshire Victoria & Femme mizvicky1478@
  • actually pretty sh1t with so much decide do you want a few pics on RC or do you want a world class pic sequence ? if the latter lets see you again otherwise just watch the others
  • Some people are just so narrow minded. Ignore them. That was hot! I'd give anything to have you suck my cock with your mask on.
  • She is SUPER HOT!! Luv her great legs and pussy and the mask doesn't hide the fact that she also has a beautiful face!! Please give us much more.

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