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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  South Texas Cock Lover

Jul 26, 2013

In this second set, we find our heroine dressed for success on the field. She’s been handling balls since thirteen, but this is a contest of a lifetime. Can she deny her husband control of the game by using her pussy as a bat, a racket, a glove, a cue, a club? Or will he manage to get behind her like a dog and sink one deep in the center pocket? What might happen if she grips the balls too hard? Would that be the end of her career as a total and complete slut? And if she asks her fans on RC, will she get a group of hard and horny men from north Cincinnati to gang up on her, pin her down, and switch off on her from one end to another, back and forth, back and forth, deep and hard? Or is every man from Ohio GAY or CELIBATE? Stay tuned, pud-whackers!

All Comments (40)
  • A cum shot would have made you a superstar
  • you can suck my cock anytime!
  • if I lived in your town I would seriously consider becoming gay or celibate.
  • Love it! Would love to see the video and would love to see you in person since I live in central Ky, ranman2k@
  • Great Post! I would love to have you play ball here! If your every in Philly... ***** Thanks! teejayh39@
  • damn i wished i lived in ohio i'm not gay or celibate! sjjweir@
  • 50,000 views in less than a day. What a rock star!
  • I would love to lay the pipe to this woman.
  • missed you so much. would love to have you suck my cock
  • Many of us would like a wife as hot and playful as STCL
  • Nice pics, I would love to leave my load on those @
  • I would love to see the video and I wish I was in Ohio you could suck my cock for as long as you like
  • Oh boy, let the stroking begin :) can't wait to see where this is going ... your just such a great , that's why I love your pictures so much and can't stop jacking off to you :)(course, I bet your a real sweetheart in real life); rubbing it - keep posting xxooxx
  • Very Hot