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Posted by:  Milal

Aug 2, 2013

My wife thinks I spend too much time doing this

All Comments (11)
  • YUM. I would like to spend time doing you.
  • Doesn't matter what any of us say or ask, Milal is a no show. No answer, no comment.
  • I am wondering how long if someone were to simply lick and suck at the head of your sensitive penis would you deliver an occasional precum for them to receive. labiasmoochr@yahoo
  • Well the best way to do that is with someone licking that precum and then rewarding them with spurting your precious hot orgasm juices all off inside their mouth. The wife will surely understand it is simply a way to release the pressure. She can watch and stroke your penis as you deliver your juices.
  • Well there just might be a reason why you are having to spend that much time doing yourself. Maybe she should take notice huh?
  • I did it in the car while she was driving. She was shocked at first but we both enjoyed it. I'd clean up that last pic for you.
  • Wife said that loks tasty and I agree
  • My wife wants the last !
  • As long as you are enjoying your self,I tried a new one this week, I jack off and have my wife deep kiss me at the same time, almost like a trigger I went right off and well
  • How about I come do it for ya? Mmmm! Ms hamada
  • Then tell her to spend more time doing it for you ;-)