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Posted by:  Yoyo

Aug 9, 2013

apres quelques coupes de champagne les sous vêtements sont partis....

All Comments (13)
  • Amazing nude shots! Nice looking ass and back!
  • SUPERB!!!! please write me: truemale666@ we can trade some adore your fantastic body!!!!
  • I will never understand the impulse of women to disfigure themselves with tattoos. It must be a punk thing.
  • One thing about the frogs - they know how to take pics
  • I Luv B&W sexy pics they are so hot & erotic !!! Stunning body too Yoyo !!! :-) Xx TYVM vw6969@
  • Very nice; love the B&W photos!
  • And since "Truth Squad" likes to repeat himself, I shall do likewise. Gee, "Truth Squad," let's analyze your comment there. I'm a bit of a movie buff. Paul Blart actually is a POSITIVE character with a good set of values, a good heart, and a willingness to risk it all to do the right thing. If you want to INSULT someone, call them Oogler, Grabby, Scorpio52, yech, 009, or any of the other clods who post insults here . . . people totally lacking character, class, intellect or maturity.
  • Boring and doesn't show much of
  • grabby = oogler = grabby
  • no face, poor
  • beautiful, come back with more soon
  • beautiful photography, beautiful woman
  • Looks like a very lovely woman but hard to tell with only 3 pictures.

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