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Posted by:  Danielle

Aug 9, 2013

My wife loves to show off. We have a small group of friends that she has "been with" and on a regular basis still plays with. Most of them guys, my good friends to be exact. So during a party we all got a bit hammered and the crowd dwindled down. Danielle decided it would be fun to tease the hell out of all the men. Well as the 4 remaining men sit around the coffee table and do shots and play cards she comes out of the bedroom wearing this.. Needless to say cards got pushed to the side, but the shots didn't. She did her share of blow job shots, without the shots :)

All Comments (16)
  • No nudity = Waste time, lose money, pound sand, suck wind, dry hustle, bum kicks! EPIC FAIL! Next contestant please!
  • Amazing nude shots! I really like her yummy ass!
  • You need to look up the definition for "sexy" in a dictionary!
  • wtf wheres the good stuff
  • I think we must be glad we don't see that much...
  • Why? Just out of curiosity why would you display your old sorry ass for the world to see? It is not as if anyone you encounter on a daily basis thinks about seeing you why damage our brains with your grotesque body?
  • a fine looking woman like this should really be kept under wraps and her pictures be held in secret. Stop bothering us with your pictures of obesity. It is not attractive nor is it sexy
  • at what point do you say to yourself "my wife/ girlfriend looks like a fat pig" but I'm going to post her nude pics anyway - wtf
  • I could never get that drunk to want to mess with this hog of a woman.
  • Nice
  • BORING!!! Poor
  • oogler is grabby....
  • she wouldn't look good even on my worst day
  • I can understand why your friends needed to be drunk...
  • OINK

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