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Posted by:  Butterfly

Aug 10, 2013

She is a friend that sent me some photos. She is not skinny and she has some ink, so if you do not like, please move on. She is a lot of fun. This is, I believe, her first time on the internet and my first time posting, so please keep that in mind.

All Comments (45)
  • to hell with these beautiful!!
  • Far to fat !
  • Voted POOR, no comment necessary!
  • Time for new shocks and an alignment.
  • Lota of body work on car after that shoot
  • 2-tons of no fun
  • Love that smile! And the attitude in those lovely eyes.
  • Come on guys... don't have a cow! I know, I already used that line...
  • my god, we can't belive it. We're like tats, but not on the skin of a whale! Please, don't send more! Thank you. If you like your wife, it's OK, but we don't need the pics here!
  • shitty tats, and could someone find the flour for these large units.
  • DAMN! that hood on that Chevy didn't bend or nothin!
  • you got to be kidding - doesn't anyone have any shame
  • id rather have a heavy nymphomaniac than a frigid bitchy supermodel
  • sexy!!
  • What did it cost you to have the dents removed from the hood of the car after she got off?

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