I am very wealthy and I am lucky to have a big cock that shoots large cum spurts women love. I would be happy to fuck you hard in all three holes and then you can let "Grumpytoo" clean up the messy creampie I leave inside you. You're welcome.
No matter how I would express this, I cannot completely tell you just how terribly, achingly, I want to fuck you. Yet, not before hours of slow and soft and sweet adoring. You are my dream. As I am poor, unfortunately, it matters little, but I would love to offer you or give you whatever pleased you enough that you would kneel before me as you have here and let me make you feel as desired and pleasured as is in me. Thank you both for these awesome pics.
I'd follow that hiney up any flight of steps . . . don't care how high . . . don't care where they go. And I'd probably be unaware I was even climbing!
Step Play
Posted by: Sandy Buns
Aug 12, 2013