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Posted by:  Lee

Sep 19, 2013

warming by the fire

All Comments (22)
  • Very stunning nude shots! I really like her seducing ass, big tits and shaved pussy!
  • Lovely. Very inviting smile. I would a long weekend with you :)
  • just baffled at the SPAMMER's like westcoast9 (.a. ncdave), mikepatrick and MT007 who keep posting the same copy & paste comment everywhere. Do they really think we contributors don't look at others message boards and see thie comments there too? Are they really just that lazy or do they really think we're that stoopid?
  • sweet !!!!, what a delicious tease an pics any big fun toys ,thank's ncdave28570@
  • She is pretty, and very sexy looking. That is a no brainer. If you only have brains of a gnat,you would think otherwise. Other than that, I would like to see her nude...
  • see no tan where the fat rolls over
  • Id love to warm you up ...You could warm me up anytime...
  • I can face the truth, I also am happy with how I am built. I just don't understand why people are so negative in life. Is your life so sad thatyou try and pull others down to your level. People that are afraid of the truth are the ones who don't leave a name or email and hide behind a keyboard
  • is just baffled at SPAMMER's like westcoast9, mikepatrick, MT007 and shawn that leave their same copy & paste comments everywhere. Do they not realize that we contributors look at the comments on other's contri's? Are they really that lazy or just stoopid?
  • Like to keep your wet pussy warm. dave_fun@
  • A hottie who MUST remove those lingerie pieces, soon. Thanks, @
  • Welcome back Lee. You have been missed. nice tan. I confess I would love to fuck you. mmmm
  • Thanks for the comments from please move on if you have nothing nice to say. You can always contact me at iceburgh68@
  • Would love to see Lee in another Red Clouds post. She shows off that pretty little pussy so well.
  • The photography does need to be stepped up, she is to beautiful for this quality level. Dear you are beatiful!

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