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Posted by:  Wife

Sep 24, 2013

and here is my hairy wife bathing waiting for more comments and those who do not like the furry best not to see the photos

All Comments (32)
  • Nice!!
  • She's so yummy and arousing! I really like her hairy pussy!
  • Just love a bushy pussy - thanks!!!!
  • nice place
  • Voted POOR; last time, this time, EVERY TIME!
  • that is some bush. I think it goes all the way up to the back of your neck.
  • That is an absolutely perfect twat. I wish that I could fuck it and then lick up the cream pie.
  • no thanks
  • just baffled at the SPAMMER's like ncdave, westcoast9, mikepatrick and MT007 who keep posting the same copy & paste comment everywhere. Do they really think we contributors don't look at others message boards and see their same comments there too? Are they really just that lazy or do they really think we're that stoopid?
  • Ah! My puppet "green hornet" is back again! Again, you confess to the fact I probably have something you've never had . . . and probably never desired . . . an actual WOMAN in my life. So tell me, clod, which is it . . . that you CAN'T get a woman . . . or that you don't want one, so you pretend that every woman is "beneath" to hide your latent h0m0sexuality?
  • wow chéveres bellitos wow mas mas tu nuevo fan liberozky@hotmail
  • Would you please get a toilet bowl seat and cover? Bemis is a good brand. Shit man! that open bowl doozied on the whole post.
  • No, "nofat," that would be you.
  • Is this a dude with a tiny dick hidden in his pubs
  • The fact that you can't resist coming back to comment is proof of how beaten you are. You can make any excuse you wish, but anyone with sense knows it to be true.

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