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Posted by:  Susan

Sep 25, 2013

Well, I insist a lot but my wife is quite shy and never wanted to nude sunbath. Last month we went for vacations in Algarve, Portugal and one day I caugth her nude sunbathing. Off course I run to get the camera and took some (bad) pics, just to share with you at VW. Maybe next year I can convince her to get naked at the beach.

All Comments (9)
  • Nice, very nice indeed!!!!
  • So in love with you, would love to trade pictures and more. We are a couple in our 40's that like to stay in shape and have fun. intelbubby@
  • Wow very perfect body... I am a photographer contact me.. sexy-girl@
  • just baffles me how SPAMMER's like ncdave can copy & paste the same comment on every post. They must think we contributors don't see them on every others messgae boards. Are they really that lazy or do they think we're all stoopid?
  • sweet !!!!, what a delicious tease an pics any big fun toys ,thank's ncdave28570@
  • Something tells me that your wife doesnt deserve a fuckwit like you taking pics and posting them without her knowledge
  • shaved + smooth + pink + juicy pussy, super combination... +10
  • No wonder she doesn't want to get naked. Her idiot husband takes pics w/o her knowledge and posts them. It's just so much better when the gal likes having her pic taken.
  • What a cutie. Love her tanned body and ass. Fantastic. So sexy. Thanks for sharing. Love to see more. carolinalovin44@

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