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Posted by:  Sudsy

Oct 2, 2013

In the motel after a Denver Bronco win, we decided to unwind and relax

All Comments (16)
  • Awesome close up shots! Nice looking ass and hairy pussy!
  • Life left it marks.
  • She has a gorgeous little pussy.
  • Well, unlike the bashers, "NuckingFuts1960," I actually have a career, responsibilities, a wife and family. That's why, unlike them, I don't tend to post comments in the middle of the night.
  • And "nofat" knows all about the Denver Broncos . . . he jerks off to pictures of them in his spare time.
  • Now don't bring the Broncos into this. they had nothing to do with this fat hideous thing.
  • Great ass Sudsy, love your bush. dave_fun@
  • Hey, Danny Boy, we've missed you lately. Where have you been?
  • Looks like you were going for the tight end but wound up with the wide receiver...
  • Go DENVER... 4 and 0
  • Love your Very Good bush
  • BORING!!! Poor
  • Hey, unlike you, "569," at least this guy HAS a woman. You have nothing in your life.
  • "Budzz" wants to know if this is a lineman . . . possibly because he's had sex with a few linemen in his life and needs whacking material. Sorry, "Budzz," this isn't the male ass to which you're accustomed.
  • didn't seem like much

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