Well, you have impressed me..... have a great figure for sharing it ......got any more pics of you, FANTASTIC! You are 100% hottie hekaitz@ Cuuuuuuuuum!
By the way, "human bean," the "superman complex" is also known as "compensation." Essentially, they engage in displays of what they consider "ultra-manly behavior" to make up for their feelings of inadequacy. And you display this tendency on a regular basis.
As to you, "tons o fun," you claim she'll "pull an Elvis?" By that do you mean she'll be more popular and far wealthier than you'll ever be? If that's the case, she's probably already accomplished it.
Well, "Human Bean," let's analyze that allegation, shall we? I stated that I believe abusers like you have small penises. Now why would I state that? Let's see . . . you abuse women anonymously, you have a great deal of pent up anger, you strike out at those you consider "weaker" than you, and you engage in misogynistic behavior. Two of the leading contributors to misogynistic conduct are self-loathing due to latent h0m0sexuality and feelings of inadequacy due to self-doubt in your own manliness. So it's more an educated guess than anything . . . unless, of course, you wish to admit that another man knows for certain your penis size.
Well, now we know that "Sir puk3s" lives in Deliverance. And we all KNOW their sexuality. Bet you tried to make a few guys squeal lately, huh? Probably would be easier if your penis weren't the size of an atom.
Sorry, "48 in the tropics," but changing your moniker won't change my response. You wish to accuse me of masturbating? Well, two things come to mind. First, in a poll taken recently, 90-percent of men admitted to masturbating . . . the other 10-percent lied. Second, at least I can state that when there's a man's hand on my cock, it's my OWN. Too bad you can't make the same claim.
It's not a matter of agreement, "daninsht hairy wife," it's simply that I'm much smarter than you and don't feel a need to plead ignorance to the fact the barb is aimed at me. Besides, I can best you every single time. For example, once again you show an amazing insight of either g@y or abnormal sexual traits. Writing from experience again? Remember, clod, every single time you attempt to pose as anyone but yourself--especially in this venue--you only show the world how badly you've been dominated.
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Posted by: Wife
Oct 5, 2013
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