Alex, she might have started out pretending to be horny but she wasn't pretending for long. Tina, those gorgeously swollen pussy lips of yours are a dead give a away. Either you love showing Alex your sexy body you are are aroused by the though of me ogling your gorgeous ass and delicious pussy. In either case, I want to think you both. sandygrayson2@
Really, "vaguy23456?" You find a woman's ass "boring?" You know, I can look at a woman's ass all day long and never be bored. A woman's ass is a friggin' work of art! But then again, I am a straight male. What's your story?
Really? "totoo" actually has the audacity to ridicule what someone else has to say? Heck, I guess he has a right to feel superior . . . after all, how many people have his ability to speak with a mouthful of cock?
One of the three best asses ever shown on VW. Keep on posting, beauty. Sweet kisses on your unbelievable ass from Germany, Torsten. ;-) Meister20011001@
"totoo" wrote: "note to contributor: ( WATCH OUT ) has no dick." I guess that means that "totoo" DOESN'T find "watch out" sexually attractive, as it is clear that "totoo" is a pole smoker.
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Tina's Ass Shots
Posted by: Tina
Oct 17, 2013
Here are some pics of my 31 year old wife's ass, she is either horny or pretending to be for me, either way she can be real dirty