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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  KarissaLegs

Oct 21, 2013

All Comments (32)
  • Nice spread
  • Go for it darling!!!!
  • I adore those beautiful ; I would love to suck and lick your pretty little feet and ;  You are so yummy.
  • Wow great looking legs. Fit and firm. Keep up the hard work. Looking beautiful.
  • Fucking hot legs & extra hot cu*t
  • Somebody please shove a large dick in "polarkirks" queer mouth and shut that gay troll up!!!
  • Love this women send more tygolden@
  • I just threw up in my AWAY, SCAG!!!
  • You are so bad, it is seriously comical. I mean you don’t even have enough self-respect to remove the red-eye before you post. You could realistically close every bar in the neighborhood, and still not find a man to take you home. You could walk into a Waffle House at 3AM, with 2 fifths of Jack Daniels and still not get laid. Do everyone, including yourself, a favor and stop posting!
  • wow u are one hot fun tease !!!!! Thanks nc here
  • What an incredibly sexy woman you are. I don't see a wedding ring on that left hand. I live in Northwestern Washington. Want to marry me? Honestly, you are so sexy. Best Wishes, doc99@
  • I want to be balls deep in your asshole while you use that toy.
  • you are a beautiful woman and sexy, would love to see more justforfunfor@
  • are very very love those legs and the way you play!!!
  • bocaguy, geez can't you say anything else? Why bother, we've seen the same thing a million times. Yes she's older, but has kept in good shape, and has a good attitude about sharing her kitty with the world. Eye makeup is a bit scary, however...