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Posted by:  Nikki

Nov 14, 2013

This is some footage of my first threesome. It actually happened some time back, over a year ago, in fact. The quality isn't the greatest because we were just passing a camera phone around and the lighting was pretty poor. However, it was so hot and exciting! The couple I was with are just some playmates I met. I had been looking for another female to join my guy and me for some fun and met these two. My guy suggested I go ahead and play with them, even though they were only interested in adding a female. He was just excited about it as I was, and he LOVED seeing me lick pussy, suck another man's cock, and fuck in video. So HOT!!!

All Comments (56)
  • That's a Hot one.
  • Have been is several three ways and enjoyed the hell out of each one, but will stick with two lady's and me!!!!!
  • Superb!!! What a huge turn on. I'm a tree now, I grew wood in my pants, LOL.
  • totally hot Nikki,....first time, were you nervous, or did you know them well enough. Wife and I would love to see more ( tckkindafun@ )
  • Used a phone? Why post it then? Guess that way we are all screwed.
  • I have a camera. The playmates, for whatever reason, just felt more comfortable only using the phone. Sorry
  • Holy Mother-of-God!!! I'll buy you guys a fuckin' real camera!!!
  • I do plan to show more... :)
  • Yum!
  • xxx!
  • Good luck finding a female! I've been trying to find a hot, adventurous woman to join my guy and me for a long while!
  • Working that pussy was pretty damn fun ;)
  • Glad you enjoyed it! I'm glad I decided to share it with you all!
  • Will do! ;)
  • Always!

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