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Posted by:  Asha

Oct 19, 2012

just they were taking bath and i shot her

All Comments (6)
  • Am I the only person who has looked at these photos since I looked at them four years ago? Oh well!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       I'LL SAY IT AGAIN :  Picture 1 could have been a good start to a great post but it was the only actual revealing photo in the lot. Here's hoping more photos of this woman are coming in Memory Lane. And was she his "Gf" or "Her Sis?"
  • Picture 1 could have been a good start to a great post but it was the only actual revealing photo in the lot. Here's hoping more photos of this woman are coming in Memory Lane. And was she his "Gf" or "Her Sis?"
  • try getting some pussy in the photo
  • I'll bet she cleans up nice!
  • Sometimes natural just isn't enough.
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