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Posted by:  Miss D

Jan 7, 2014

Miss D drove one hour to have. A nice adventure Short but hot. And then she went back home alone with her ​​coat on. She is so hot. See you later. her Master

All Comments (25)
  • A bit dark, but still very sexy. Voted superb.
  • Great Idea, hot woman, but no light and nothing happened..
  • Terrible lighting and lose the music. Voted poor.
  • Might have ruined the mood but a little light may have helped the video and anyone paying to see the waste of a spot.
  • LOVE that body and those beautiful tits, please show more of that woman and a little better lighting would be great
  • Personally, I can associate with an attractive woman needing an outlet . you are fortunate in that regard. Should you decide to share more, the camera needs to improve as does the music ...
  • forgot - dahorn@.uk - ok!
  • vet2000x contact me as I can share pics of her 'twin' thought it was my Miss D first time I saw similar.
  • to dark and to blurred in all u r video so I voted poor for that reason would have been good if u used a good camera.
  • Lose the music.
  • could not see it, so i didnt vote.
  • would merit a "superb" vote if the lighting was better
  • Yeqah right "master"... on the way home she stopped at a bar and fucked the first young guy that bought her a
  • Couldn't see a thing.
  • ...There is a lot to like about Miss D, for an older lady: she obviously likes sex, she appears to be submissive and tolerates (or likes) pain, she has a sloppy wet pussy that squirts and she takes large insertions, including is a lot to like and makes for potentially good videos. It appears you are filming without her she is submissive, can't you just tell her you are filming, as the master in the relationship?...And, as others commented, LOSE THE best soundtrack is that sloshy wet puss of keep the criticism, she is a hot subject.

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