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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  OK

Jan 20, 2014


All Comments (21)
  • Who wants to fuck?
  • Nine years later tou are still 100% correct, Sjonny! You are 100% correct!
  • Yummy! Very teasing small tits and hairy pussy!
  • Wow fantastic photos.. Do you want to see my Cock? sexy-girl@
  • Could be very nice. Come back with better pics
  • for Commercial SPAMMERS like california9 (also poses as westcoast9, caliLA and cali9inches). Same comment on every post. From one contributor to another, Beware!
  • crap, go away
  • Wow what a Night that was. I would give my left nut to be in that room that night. I'm a white guy and the best Sex i ever had was with a black chick. Could not imagine both at the same time. AmaZing!
  • I love your stomach and you have such a pretty face! Your so beautiful what a sexy body you have! Your perfect head to toe! I would love to see more of you and trade! Email me at jeremyrgee@ your so gorgeous! What a body
  • Can't imagine what anyone is bitching about. Some nice starter pix and hope to see lots more, soon and often.
  • Yep , nothing worth while here ! Malo !!!
  • may I join you?
  • Hey, "QUEER Hornet," you're not fit to make my determinations for me, since you only like men it's quite clear that we approach things from different perspectives.
  • please tell me theres more pics of the 2 grils together
  • Bush, areolas, nipples, butts: simply SUPERB

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