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Posted by:  Courtisane

Jan 29, 2014

All Comments (14)
  • So sexy thong! Very arousing round ass and sexy legs!
  • Wow fantastic ass... Do you want to see my Cock? sexy-girl@
  • Amazing body--- love fur shots--- stop the black and white tho--- plz--- would love to see more---- dreamdeceiver13@
  • when things are really bad they look so much worse black and white don't they?
  • that fucking shit has to stop
  • I thing a lots of big cocks enter your ass hole.
  • Nice ass shot!
  • You shouldn't have. I realLy mean "YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE"!
  • She might be very attractive, but we'll never know from this. Butt-only contributions suck.
  • I would love to play with your hat ass.
  • Well, you get "poop-sie" and "anti" there . . . two guys who are just pissed because these aren't pictures of a man's ass. As to "anti," dude, the fact that the first thing you do every morning is think of ME truly shows how pathetic you are and how badly I've dominated you. Hell, you don't even have the courage to register a moniker. Tell me, how does it feel to go through life as both a douchebag AND a coward?
  • And the winner is -- GRAAVITY ! Everything dropped to her butt and stayed there!!

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