You are just Perfect. We are so glad you showed your beautiful body here thank you for sharing your beautiful body looking at you and I Got So hard we had to master bait to you, Thanks, It would be great to webcam with you, we are also share pictures if interested (Andy & Marry) andydatac@
for Commercial SPAMMERS like hardnrockin (also poses as california9, caliLA and totoo). Same comment on every post. From one contributor to another, beware.
Mmmm, would to spend a few hours pleasuring every inch of your incredible body with my fingers, tongue and cock til you came several times and passed out from exhaustion. Feel free to send more pics to hardnrockin@, I'll tribute them and send back.
I concur with daninhbg on the psychological analysis presented. What use is the insulting attitude and behaviour of one, when the rest are enjoying the beautiful anatomies set before us to view and at times jack off to? Please let us focus on these sweet faces, arses pussies, breasts and bodies. Love yah Annie.
Interesting, "QUEER Hornet" once again wants to question my sexual orientation. He just can't deal with the fact that all he has are insults . . . I can actually point to psychological studies that show that his conduct on this board evidences a great likelihood of sexual insecurity and possible latent h0m0sexuality. Insults versus facts . . . wonder which most people would find more convincing. But even if one wishes to ignore that, here's a simpler way of seeing things; who is more likely g@y . . . the guy abusing women anonymously, or the guy standing UP to the guy abusing women anonymously? Face it "QUEER Hornet," you can't win that argument, as you simply can't compete with my intelligence, your own history, and simple logic.
Actually, being fair, of all the things "Woodstock" has written, that's hardly an insult. He essentially says he wants to see more. Nothing wrong with that. Save the ire for real insults or racist comments.
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Posted by: Annie
Feb 8, 2014