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Posted by:  South Texas Cock Lover

Feb 6, 2014

Okay, Spank-bots, here it is… I feel so DIRTY! It turns out, my twin sister is A LOT more like me than I thought. It’s weird editing these contris, because, well… I mean… how many of YOU have seen YOUR siblings’ genitalia up close and in action this way? First, I do this for my husband – horny pervert that he is! Second, I do it for YOU, because I love (your bone). Okay, well, maybe it’s my stiffened clit that gets me into these situations, I don’t know. I DO know that I am VERY grateful that the compilation contris my husband sent in last week all broke 4.0 AND that your comments have been so pleasant (and disgusting). We’re both VERY happy to have the old VW back! (Sniffle, sniff, sniff – and I promised myself I wouldn’t cry.) Okay, back to my husband fucking my twin sister. Watch how much she makes him cum – that little HUSSY! He didn’t know if he would get to stick her, but never underestimate the power of a PERVERT! PERVERT!

All Comments (48)
  • good video but shut the fuck up!
  • I call bullshit, retard
  • it was ok but i could of done without his gasping for breath.
  • You people are so sad..
  • I really enjoy watching your are right about it being sort of dead sexually in Ohio but there are sex clubs in the Toledo area that really clubs serve a range of ages and tastes.
  • Amazing. I would love to do one or both of the girls. I am from the Cincinnati area shoot me an email.
  • Love a good load on my ass! Very nice. damnshibby@ ;)
  • Keep up the great work! I love your eyes, tits, and most of all that gorgeous kitten!!
  • I'm with FineWine and Chuckster, not that it has been hard to determine there is no twin from the first contri, but why use a tripod and hold the camera yourself if you are supposedly fucking the twin with the wife there. It's still amazing from all the comments how many clowns are falling for this, even more pathetic asking for her to "do stuff" with the twin. The only way that would work is if she fucked a mirror.
  • There aint no twin sister
  • I remember asking years ago when I first met ya'll, if STCL had a twin sister!! You said yes, but she isn't like STCL. I wanted to find out for ya'll then!! Well, you beat me to it!! Now can Iplay with her twin?!? Ho[e she is in Texas, because I still am!! -L
  • Why is the twin sister not doing camera duty ?
  • The twin crap is as bad as his babbling.
  • Hey, requested you as friend on RC BB, name there is Helikeswatching, still trying to figure out how all this chatting, forums, replies etc. works. :)

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