Hot !!!!luv your alls fun,,, your babe is a fun tease !!! she's sweet,, could she ride a big suction cup fun toy for our hard dick's out here too, thanks nc
Let's see her without the hat and gloves and see how she fucks. I think there is a real woman inside there... I'd like to give her a try if she is in FL sometimes. I'm not as big as he, just average, is but I know how to use what I have. Let's see her with out the role playing
Very strange, from her putting on gloves to give him a sort of hand job to him having trouble keeping it up even with a cock ring. Much rather see some passion and some good old sucking and fucking with her naked - the last time my wife found a guy with a cock that size she was butt nekkid in minutes, and they fucked and sucked each other for what seemed like an hour and a half; she didn't walk quite right for almost a day after.
Now that was different, entertaining and I think he got the job. Let's see the ending with here naked taking that big thick cock in that tight little pussy.
I thought this was both hilarious and sexy in a strange way. The complete absence of passion and the conversational tone (in an unidentifiable language) somehow gave it a sense of pent-up energy. Love the sweet kiss at the end. Of course, a chapter two with real sex would also be nice. (What is that language, anyway?)
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Measuring a New Stallion
Posted by: Kutasia
Feb 22, 2014
Kutasia searches a new stallion with a huge dick