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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  Vienna

Apr 22, 2012

Mio dolce Gattina It was a big big pleasure to meet you and Leonne. From the first moment and the whole time we enjoyed your lovely nature and your visit in Vienna! Unfortunately it was cold and windy ... but the fun to flash was all the more great. Now I am happy that we can share our first experience with all our fans and I can say that I am really really happy because we will see us again soon. The room is booked :))))) Mi manchi, mille baci

All Comments (10)
  • AND 10 MONTHS LATER IS IT IS STILL TRUE! : WOW! Two of VoyeurWeb's " all time " greatest, together in a single shoot. Showing " something " in every photo, every photo in sharp and clear focus, none of the photos vandalized by " pussy haters. " Much love and respect to Vienna! Much love and respect to Gattina! I wish that Vienna and Gattina were still participating here, and I hope that they are both alive, well and happy in 2024!
  • ONE! MORE! TIME! WOW! Two of VoyeurWeb's " all time " greatest, together in a single shoot. Showing " something " in every photo, every photo in sharp and clear focus, none of the photos vandalized by " pussy haters. " Brava, Vienna! Brava, Gattina! I wish that Vienna and Gattina were still participating here, and I hope that they are both alive, well and happy in 2023!
  • WOW! Two of VoyeurWeb's " all time " greatest, together in a single shoot. Showing " something " in every photo, every photo in sharp and clear focus, none of the photos vandalized by " pussy haters. " Brava, Vienna! Brava, Gattina! I wish that Vienna and Gattina were still participating here, and I hope that they are both alive, well and happy in 2023!
  • STILL 100% TRUE IN 2023 :  WOW! Two of VoyeurWeb's " all time " greatest, together in a single shoot. Showing " something " in every photo, every photo in sharp and clear focus, none of the photos vandalized by " pussy haters. " Brava, Vienna! Brava, Gattina! I wish that Vienna and Gattina were still participating here, and I hope that they are both alive, well and happy in [2022] 2023!
  • qbppdoelib, If your pussy feels like it is "in fire" you could have the Monkey Pox! Go to the free clinic. Get medical treatment! Now!
  • WOW! Two of VoyeurWeb's " all time " greatest, together in a single shoot. Showing " something " in every photo, every photo in sharp and clear focus, none of the photos vandalized by " pussy haters. " Brava, Vienna! Brava, Gattina! I wish that Vienna and Gattina were still participating here, and I hope that they are both alive, well and happy in 2022!  
  • Vienna and Gattina... My fauvorite girls in VW Everybody hear have to tank boot of you for give us so much of your beuty and your sensual and awseome contris. Thanks a lot
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