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Posted by:  Tamika

Apr 8, 2014

Just some more pics of my hot ass wife.

All Comments (13)
  • Hey any anal sex lovers here?
  • beached whale
  • So exciting lady! Nice looking tits and shaved pussy!
  • Now that is one pretty pussy. Miss seeing that everyday.
  • And that statement right there proves you're probably g@y. You see, I can honestly say I've never seen a man I found more attractive than a woman . . . ANY woman. You just admitted that you apparently HAVE found some men more attractive than some women. So it's not a matter of me "trying" to call you and "QUEER Hornet" g@y . . . it's a fact that you just provided evidence you probably ARE! LOL
  • Don't listen to "gayguy ; He's never been with a woman . . . nor does he have any interest in being with women. If he wants to prove otherwise, perhaps he should post some pictures of his woman. Of course--rather like bigfoot, the Easter Bunny, the Yeti or the Loch Ness Monster--it's hard to photograph fictional or imaginary items.
  • great looking woman,thanks for sharing
  • Superb-o-rama! That's my kind of woman. I want to eat that pussy all night.
  • Really? Hot Mama? Hmmmm ..... I don't think so. Just being honest. You need glasses my friend.
  • Who cares about the extra pounds, shes got great tits and a nice pussy that I would suck on till she screams. pumpingiron29@
  • That woman could miss a few meals without doing herself a mischief.
  • This photographer is delusional
  • Large, yes. Hot, no

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