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Posted by:  Sugattz

May 2, 2014

It wasn't the hottest of days but Sugattz turned the heat up a notch in the dunes. This was her second session getting her kit off. Now, she asks me when we can go out and do more. She loves it.

All Comments (8)
  • what beach was that again, once I find it, I'm heading right there!!!
  • Swenski59 Great pics, great lady and I will love to play with you 2 in the dunes or in the wood ;-) spanky kises darnebocse@
  • Yes, only three. Keep your points.
  • Don't think that saying "loss of points for no face" or "only three photos" will bother me in the slightest. I post for people to enjoy, not to compete. Don't vote at all if it isn't to your taste or quantity. Don't bother commenting negative remarks if you haven't even contributed. I smile at your wasted energy :)
  • Wow, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, perfect tits and nipples on a lovely lady. dave_fun@
  • Could be great, but I vote low for such a tease. Beautiful woman.
  • WTF? only three? serious lose of points
  • she is hot. i'd love to have sex on the beach with her. please post more pics. gluckyv103@
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