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Posted by:  Conny

Jun 28, 2014

NIP Las Vegas HRH Casino

All Comments (21)
  • a smile would have clinched it
  • Definitely used to be a guy!
  • I was looking at these a little more and I am convinced that this is a head placed on a body. The black neck thing serves as a separation point which is why the skin tone in the face is so far off. Also the hair in one pic looks like it sticks out a foot behind her head. these are all faked
  • I know why you are not smiling showing us your teeth it's because you have fangs now don't ya miss vampire lady--oh by the way you are a very sexy, sultry woman and I thank you for posting
  • the bigger the plastic tits, the smaller the brain.
  • wow you look hot. thanks for the pics. your tits and pussy are amazing. please post more pics. gluckyv103@
  • I think you need some more plastic surgery, NOT!
  • Boy, you guys must have been out awfully late.
  • You look happy to be here.
  • WTF is with that awful "trout-pout" facejQuery110205021694563067229_1403970936664??
  • WTF is with that awful "trout-pout" facejQuery110205021694563067229_1403970936664??
  • Agree with itsjomo and Roy123Can. Nothing real about these.
  • What's with the silly mouth pout?
  • These photos are so fake! If you look at the fabric in her outfit compared to the fabric on the chairs, you can tell the lighting is totally different. Someone photoshopped her into a casino. There's no chairs in front of the window displays anywhere in Vegas, so that one is a fake. The bar photo has the wrong lighting again.
  • Is there anything real about this woman? Fake tits, inflated lips, sad eyes, bad hair job. So sad.