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Posted by:  Patricia

Jul 4, 2014

Fotos tomadas en un paseo familiar en las cercanias de bogota - colombia. Haba cierto nivel de riesgo pues era temporada y el centro vacacional estaba lleno.

All Comments (22)
  • So why didn't the photographer get closer? Inquiring minds want to know!
  • Daninhbg: go and get a life f@g boy. you posted at 04:31 AM. whats wrong your boyfriend went home?
  • It's not really an exhibition when there's nobody there ...
  • Okay, everyone, look at the time "Scorpio52" posted his lame insult. Now ask yourself the following question; does ANYONE with a woman, a life, a home or a career post insults at that hour on a weekend? I hear resounding "NOs" out there!
  • Superb, hot lady and great pictures.
  • The photographer was too should have been about 1 mile
  • you are a little on the thick side but I say that a woman built such as yourself are the best in the hay, great for rolling around with and great to hold, love, caress and everything else fun to do
  • Nice tits great ass and really love your bush. dave_fun@
  • Hey photographer were you afraid of her jQuery11110027822532454014614_1404498732838 get closer ,I think she has a fantastic body but I can't see that far away.
  • You're too close. Get farther away, so I can't see you at all.
  • next time don't bother
  • Whomever took the fotos should have gotten closer
  • Next time get closer.
  • jQuery11110463717961012306_1404480994734?????????????????
  • cant see anything

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