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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  Adriana XXX

Oct 26, 2012

Hello! It's me again here! This weekend (October 21th) my man decided to spend time with his mistress. His mistress LOL is his car because he spends a lot of time in the garage. I decided not to waste time and spend that time three of us - me, my man and our car :) I wore his favorite shirt and came with the camera. At first I was doing shots of his body when he was working. Then I took his attention and he made the new pictures in the garage. Then was hot)))) Hot continuation of our day looking in closed photo and video sections! Adriana XXX Kiss

All Comments (27)
  • SUPERB! Adriana XXX deserved a perfect score of five point zero zero! ABSOLUTElY!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Brava, and much love and respect always, to Adriana aka Adriana XXX! From the fabled founding of VoyeurWeb in 1997 through this day in 2022 Adriana aka Adriana XXX is one of VoyeurWeb's "all time" Top 10 Hall of Fame best! I wish that Adriana aka Adriana XXX was still participating here, and I hope that Adriana aka Adriana XXX is alive, well and happy in 2022
  • So beautiful and sexy!
  • Still awesome!
  • he needs to forget about the car and spend his time with U R smokin
  • Wow, you are one of the most gorgeous women I've seen in VW! I am a 39 year old professional and I would love to make you a very, very indecent proposal. If you are interested please write me at: jamesbrie11@
  • Sheer perfection, from head to toe! Your man is truly blessed, please keep up the superb work - joewanderer38@
  • to perfect!
  • Nice face shots, great body, cute smile, pretty eyes. Great poses. Voted superb!!
  • WOW !! Excellent :))) Thanks
  • WOW! What an amazing woman! I would love to see more. but I don't have an explicit account, would you send me some? gadget043@
  • Nice.
  • Superb vote! The pussy looks great with the landing strip, way better than bald. I would like to see more hair ABOVE the pussy. Maybe a wider strip...
  • i ask you one thing -dont every do anything to your body -you are a natural beautiful woman-i'd suck your pussy in times square for all to see-even in front of your man---you are hot-more please--
  • total yumminess
  • I would love to slide my cock in that tight pussy maybe not so tight after all. You are a beauty send more!