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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  Anne

Jul 17, 2014

i decided my wife needed a spanking .no particular reason i just enjoy it and my wife gets very turned on by it

All Comments (14)
  • This was an amazing video. Really well done! Captures the excitement of the moment.
  • very good job, super videos
  • mmmm very sexy!!! beautiful legs yummy ass!!! love to see more of her!!! ty both vm
  • A minute of that silly stuff was enough for me to vote poor.
  • That is so fucking hot. She has such a great ass. Was aching for you to slip your finger in her tight ass. daves-fun@
  • very nice and sexy spanking. please post more vids and pics. gluckyv103@
  • id rather do her ass than spank it
  • Intersesting.... never saw that before. Sexy. You should fuck her from behind while spanking her ass.
  • So hot would love to see more. Thanks
  • As an "old" BDSM spanking scene is classic and very well done. What many do not understand is that "punishment," both mild and "more," can be a great "turn on" for both, with mutual consent and "safe words" that are signals to "stop for ; Each of us has our own perspective on the ethics/morality of the Bondage Discipline Sado Masochism area. Don't judge based on your rejection of BDSM, This couple had obviously been well practiced in spanking and probably more. YUMMMMMMMMMM!
  • Luv it Let's see more.
  • she needs some loving not spanking
  • this is cruel: you are a monster!!!
  • May I be next? Do I then get a crack at you?