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Posted by:  Diana

Aug 30, 2014

This is my girlfriend Diana and for a long time we have had this divergence of opinions when it comes to her breasts. I always tell her they are amazing. They are certainly one of the most beautiful pairs I have ever seen in person, but she insists that they are "only average" and even "too big" to be beautiful. Well, I decided to post these pictures to get some other opinions on the matter. Please guys, let me know what you think.

All Comments (83)
  • So what about her bottom ("ass") and pussy? Next contestant please!
  • Hey any anal sex lovers here?
  • Magnificent titties if I may say so
  • Incredibly gorgeous!
  • Yummy big tits and pink nipples! So exciting lady!
  • Amazing just doesn't cut it. They are gorgeous, even lying down. If they were too big they'd be in your armpits in that position. Perfect my dear perfect.
  • you have the perfect pair. wow. looks delicious
  • Your tits are not too big at all! They are beautiful! Do you know how many women would kill to have titties like yours? You should be proud of them and show them off more often! If you were a stripper, you'd be rich!
  • ?????? ??? ??? ?? ????? ???????
  • Diana Your tits were made for fucking they fit you perfit. From these pics you need a head and a pussy.
  • Eles não são bonitos não! São MARAVILHOSOS!!! Perfeitos, ela é toda linda parabéns... se vcs curtirem, seria um prazer mostrar como ela me deixou rsrsrrs skype: dammien13 beijos
  • Amazing tits!
  • Yep, Diana has perfect tits, and you should bend her over, spank her, and show us pictures of those gorgeous tits hanging down. Wow. ShesGot34Ds@
  • awesome !