Hey, "to too much a fag," if you think the guy who defends women from bashers is gay, but the guys bashing women aren't, you're either confused or the one providing the blowjobs to the bashers.
Yeah, "Fingers Himself," these pictures aren't NEARLY as good as the NOTHING YOU'VE POSTED. STFU and go away, clod! Oh, and "Rude much," if you're going to insult someone, you really should try NOT to reveal yourself as in illiterate clod in the process.
Can't wait to see more! Very sexy lady! Ignore Mr. Fingers. He hasn't had a positive thing to say. Can't blame him. I imagine if I had to see what he sees in a mirror I'd be bitter too!
Me And My Cellphone Camera
Posted by: Jenny
Oct 30, 2014
Selfie time