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Posted by:  Vera

Nov 1, 2014


All Comments (44)
  • Awesome shots! I want her huge tits and shaved pussy!
  • I fkn love your sexy body. Amazing tits and beautiful puss <3
  • she has a great ass show us some of her getting in her tight ass and cum on her tits after
  • Beautiful body!
  • Perfect,We'll wait more.....
  • Love your body, Vera. Great tits peaking out of your shirt.
  • Hey, "to-too much a h0m0," I get a kick out of the fact that the people that abuse women here are fine with you, but I'm the "asshole" for standing up to them. If the character of a man can be judged by the individual and causes with which he associates himself, what exactly does that say about you, dumbfuck?
  • ow very fantastic big boobs and very good pussy... Yummy yummy slurp... mmmmmmmmmm.... Exchange photo? Please contact me sexy-girl@
  • daninhbg being his usual asshole self
  • Sexy, natural curves
  • very nice. Why does Mr. Fingers try to rate women when he clearly does not like the female form?
  • Wow, what a body!
  • nlce body
  • Gays aren't the problem, "Dink1," and never have been. It's the LATENT self-h@ting gays that are. You see them all the time. They're the first to engage in g@y bashing . . . the first to condemn them and the loudest. But inevitably, they always get caught like Ted Haggard. Their h@tred is solely to cover up for what they really are but are afraid to confront or accept.
  • You said it all. These guys must be gay. Nothing wrong with gay people as long as they don't try to hurt others.

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