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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  Shelly Profane

Nov 11, 2014

Shell and a young man

All Comments (10)
  • Wow very expert in blowjob... Do you like my cock? sexy-girl@
  • That's quite a cock she's found. I'd like to see her receiving it at the other end.
  • that cock has to be photoshopped its so big! Im straight but love that cock!.....Was there a girl in that set?
  • Superbly shocking, erotic, and sexually charged pictures. Thanks. Await your next set to shock me. LA Dave laucaubin@
  • Shelly is so fucking HOT! I love seeing her with a big cock in her mouth! Would love to see her getting fucked by a big cock! Thank you for sharing your erotic pictures!
  • it's not my 's a young man from craigslist
  • Oh my awesome cock, wife wants to know if you share?
  • Really like a woman that shows multi talents. Would love to have you do all of them for me. Superb Lady!
  • need to see more of her with that cock. Is she girl friendly? stevetamiswing@
  • That is some huge cock on that skinny guy, and she looks great with it in her mouth. Would LOVE to see more of her (preferably on HC) showing us what she can do with that cock (and more one or two more like it) with all three of her loving orifices. Please post a lot more of this lovely cougar, soon and often.