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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  Sexty

Nov 19, 2014

I wanted to post our type of erotica...sensual lovemaking. This was shot using two cameras and is edited down to it's current form. This isn't the first posting of this video, but it's very recent and I hope you enjoy me showing off my Beautiful Sexty! P.S...The pictures you see over our bed are us as children, not our children.

All Comments (70)
  • For some reason I missed this back in it's wow, what a sexy documentation of steamy & sensual all wrapped up in one satisfying session 
  • She's hot. Plain and simple
  • Great. How about some blowjobs we can see
  • Absolutely beautiful from every angle! Kudos for posting these
  • Wow! We LOVE SEXTY- Thank you for sharing!!
  • Luv your noisy climaxes ;-) Amazing action both ;-)
  • Look so hot int the stockings love your videos
  • Sexty and DJ - my wife and I just discovered this wonderful video but we can't find any other posts by you on VW. Are there any more? If not, we would love to see any you have at kkmmaa69@ XXX
  • Sexty, you are a stunningly beautiful woman, and I love the way you move over and under your man! Thanks for sharing this very sexy vid!
  • you're welcome! glad we could help!
  • Well we didn't quite follow your s? we had one helluva cpl hrs trying! Thnx for the inspiration!
  • think her's is way better then mine!
  • We aim to please!
  • It was great fun! I though foot guys might really enjoy this video!
  • This is a great . But based on a few morons that can't seem to read and those that need to see Sexty's face (i deleted several of both comments), it doesn't look like we'll be posting here again any time soon.

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