I also think bottom cheeks would be equally therapeutic - think of all the right hands/arms being exercised as a result of her thoughtful contribution to the health of a worldwide audience. Must go - got to exercise !
What your wife must realise is this is Very therapeutic for thousands of men who have not got access to such fantastic stunning awe inspiring therapy ! Therefore it is her duty to share & be worshipped by horny men all over the world. Thankyou
Ignore anyone tasteless and rude enough not to admire your wife's fine, full breasts with the gorgeously engorged nipples as they bounce around and press so delightfully against the glass. Next let's see what we bet is her equally lovely ass (and the pretty pussy and rosebud we're sure are tucked right up in there where they belong). We hope she gets more comfortable, enjoys the positive comments, and moves up to RC or HC to show us what she can do with a thick, hard cock or two.
Washing The Windows
Posted by: CrazyBitch
Feb 13, 2015
I finally convinced my wife to let me post this.