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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  Unknown

Mar 14, 2015

Sunbathing on the beach

All Comments (12)
  • Much love to all women who have the self-confidence to go "topless" at public beaches!
  • Only three photographs? Go and destroy your camera. You are wasting everyone's time.
  • so so
  • Well?
  • Complimenti Antonio... Hai beccato una da 10 e lode.. Contattami... iscrizionemodelle@, contatti@, contatti@ and webmaster@ or skype-sexy-girl
  • I have to agree with "nudeboater"...nice a mad-hater could have been more original in his pic 's not her. she is boner material//troydjl@
  • Photographer is not aware of zoom lens!!! Poor
  • 3 long distance shots of .
  • Everybody wants in the
  • Amazing job! Keep up the good work! Nice contrast between the first photos and the last where the woman actually lays down. How were you able to get that photo at such an intense moment? You are the winner this month with the thought behind that move! Again, keep up the good work and maybe even try FOUR photos next time if that is not too much for you?
  • nice hat
  • what?