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Posted by:  Bree O'Claire

Mar 26, 2015

After considering many of your naughty requests & fantasy-filled suggestions for a NEW shoot theme we decided to play with the dom idea a bit. Ironically, this is a fetish I often get asked to roleplay during my CamChats. Though not one I truly have ever explored personally. So I was thrilled when Eitan was willing to play along. I tied him up one limb at a time. Then slipped the blindfold over his sexy eyes but left his handsome lips uncovered. There lay his hot body exposed. I couldn't wait to tease & taste him. As our naughty adventure progressed it was quite the thrill swapping roles from dom to sub just a bit. It was icing on my muffin to have my Cowan documenting every moment as we indulged in this steamy game of thrusting, moaning & cumming for you all to enjoy along with us. Feel free to share more of your exciting thoughts with me @BreeOClaire

All Comments (204)
  • Yellowjacket - How many times does that make for you now?
  • Excuse me Bree but I just felt compelled to stop back in one more time.
  • Yellowjacket - Mmm, you might be right about that
  • I do believe that Eitan is as crazy about you as you are of him Bree.
  • Mytyme - It was indeed! Glad you enjoyed it ;-)
  • So hot
  • buddman - Sm00ches all over your kindness ♥
  • Heyman1958 - So happy to hear that! I love being able to look back on these fond past-times of naughty pleasures
  • So much reminds me of the adventures with Jill!! Hot Hot Hot!!
  • Zuffen - Thanks so much! The twist of Dom/Sub roleplay was fun in this session. *Batting My Lashes*
  • Ooo, I do like this contribution. Your face in pic' five is so erotic.
  • calusa1951 - This session was #2 of the 1st weekend meeting I had with Eitan. You will notice a condom in the previous "Hot Night" contris as well. Since things went so well during that 1st hook-up, chemistry, photos, etc. and we agreed this relationship should continue … we mutually decided it was safe to do away with the rubber barrier. Not only for photographic purposes, but for sensation as well  I shared a little more info in the "Question for Hotwives" thread on the RCBB if you care to take a peek .;highlight=condoms
  • Why the condom on this one? 
  • NayNay - Oh to hear it 

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