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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Posted by:  Freshman Sue

Mar 28, 2015

I'm so in love with you all! I felt so loved after last months contribution. I really planned on hanging it up but I was reassured by my fans (and Leo) that I need to focus on the good comments and ignore the haters. I've learned so much about myself through this site. I love myself and I love you all! Thanks so much for the boost of confidence!!! Sue

All Comments (532)
  • We like your lips ; Come to think of it, there's nothing about you we don't like, Rebel Sue!!
  • you have no idea what your pictures do for me... a man can dream ,
  • i might not have you, but i have every post you ever posted - so want to eat you and fuck you. to hold your hand walking down the beach, knowing you would be getting the eyes on you from every guy on the beach- you know it,,, i would have such a hardon just knowing this and seeing it- i would so put my hand on your ass to let you know i'm a lucky man.
  • A genuine 10!
  • well im back ,missing you so much, i hope you are well , i know i would be a lucky man if i were holding your ;
  • seems i only have memories,but at least i have that, all of you in my favorites to go to when i'm down, whoever is your man , he is one lucky person, wishing you were mine.... i love ;
  • miss you, thanks for the memories--all in favorites ------please come back, tell your man I wish I were him and he is a lucky man -----
  • It seems me impossible to "hate" you! You are wonderful with a perfect body and your smile is irresistible.
  • How could anyone "hate" Freshman Sue? And her photographer did excellent work as well!
  • you are beautiful with a perfect body
  • You are hotter than a fresh fucked fox in a forest fire!!!!!!
  • Amazing beauty!!
  • I love You. You are the Best!
  • please come back ---- 
  • Your Body is a Dream, all is perfect on you ❣wonderful ❣

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